Requirements for submission and formatting of abstracts and articles

Вимоги до подання та оформлення тез доповідей

The length of the abstract should not exceed 6 full pages, including illustrations and tables. The number of authors should not exceed three.

Font: Times New Roman. Font size: 14.

Line spacing: 1.5.

Margins: top, bottom, right, left – 20 mm; paragraph indent – 1.27 cm.

References to used sources should be made in the text in square brackets.

The list of references should be provided at the end of the article.

Abstracts are accepted until October 23, 2024. (включно)

Requirements for Submission of Articles:

For publication in a professional journal Bulletin of Khmelnytskyi National University. Series: Economic Sciences - Scientific papers that have never been published before in the field of economics are accepted.

The manuscript of the article must not contain materials prohibited for publication, nor materials whose authenticity may be in doubt. The author is responsible for the information presented in the manuscript of the article.
